Personally I blame retail. Retail stresses me out to a point where I comfort myself with food. I tell myself, I deserve food because I stood for long periods of time and got yelled at my super nasty customers who never learned how to behave in public.
Number 2, I blame amazing parents and all the guys out there who tell me there's nothing wrong with me. Are you effing kidding me guys? Don't tell me you love me and there's nothing wrong with me. Like HELLO.
My coping mechanism are:
1) shopping excessively for makeup and clothes I can't fit into.
2) eating because I think I deserve it.
3)Sleeping on my full stomach.
I went from dressing up in cute clothes every day to over sized baggy t-shirts.
I look like a hood rat. ( a rat from the hood)
this is the best thing I read online today. and I do a lot of online reading.